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How to extend the service life of valves?


How to maintain and maintain valves that are in use or left unused for a long time?

How to maintain butterfly valves and gate valves during use? Will routine maintenance be required if it is left unused for a long time? WESDOM valves advise you!

Whether it is a butterfly valve, a gate valve, or other valves, whether they are in use or not in use, routine maintenance is required. Firstly, to ensure that the valve can be used normally without failure, and secondly, to extend the service life of the valve.

Valve storage and maintenance

The purpose of storage and maintenance is to prevent the valve from being damaged or reducing quality during storage. Improper storage is one of the important reasons for valve damage.

1. Valves should be kept in an orderly manner. Small valves should be placed on shelves, and large valves can be arranged neatly on the floor of the warehouse. They should not be piled randomly, and the flange connection surface should not be allowed to touch the ground. This is not only for aesthetics but also to protect the valve from damage.

service life of valves

2. Due to improper storage and transportation, the handwheel is broken, the valve stem is knocked crooked, the fixing nut between the handwheel and the valve stem is loose and lost, etc. These unnecessary losses should be avoided.

3. For valves that will not be used in the short term, the asbestos filler should be removed to avoid electrochemical corrosion and damage to the valve stem.

4. The valves that have just been put into storage must be inspected. If rain or dirt has entered during transportation, they must be wiped clean before storage.

5. The inlet and outlet of the valve should be sealed with wax paper or plastic sheet to prevent dirt from entering.

6. Apply anti-rust oil to the processing surfaces of valves that can rust in the atmosphere to protect them.

7. Valves placed outdoors must be covered with rainproof and dustproof materials such as linoleum or tarpaulin. The warehouse where valves are stored must be kept clean and dry.

Valve use and maintenance

1. The purpose of use and maintenance is to extend the service life of the valve and ensure reliable opening and closing.

2. The valve stem thread often rubs against the valve stem nut. Apply a little yellow dry oil, molybdenum disulfide or graphite powder for lubrication.

3. For valves that are not frequently opened and closed, the handwheel should be turned regularly and lubricant should be added to the valve stem thread to prevent seizure.

4. For outdoor valves, a protective cover should be added to the valve stem to prevent rain, snow, dust, and rust.

5. Always keep the valve clean.

6. Always check and maintain the integrity of other parts of the valve. If the fixing nut of the handwheel falls off, it must be matched and cannot be used randomly. Otherwise, the upper square of the valve stem will be rounded, gradually losing the reliability of the fit, and even being unable to operate.

globe valve

7. Do not rely on the valve to support other heavy objects, and do not stand on the valve.

8. The valve stem, especially the threaded part, should be wiped frequently, and the lubricant that has been contaminated by dust should be replaced with a new one, because the dust contains hard debris, which can easily wear the threads and the valve stem surface, affecting the service life.

Valve packing maintenance

1. The packing is directly related to the key seal of whether leakage occurs when the valve is opened and closed. If the packing fails and causes leakage, the valve will also fail. Especially the valve of the urea pipeline, because of its relatively high temperature, the corrosion is severe and the packing is easy to cause. Ageing. Enhanced maintenance can extend the life of the filler

2. When the valve leaves the factory, to ensure the elasticity of the packing, it is generally subject to a static pressure test without leakage. After the valve is installed in the pipeline, extravasation may occur due to factors such as temperature. At this time, the nuts on both sides of the packing gland must be tightened in time, as long as there is no leakage. If extravasation occurs in the future, tighten it again, not once. Tighten tightly to prevent the filler from losing elasticity and sealing performance.

3. Some valve packings are filled with molybdenum disulfide lubricating paste. After several months of use, the corresponding lubricating grease should be added in time. When it is found that the packing needs to be added, the corresponding packing should be added in time to ensure its sealing performance.

Maintenance of valve transmission parts

During the opening and closing process of the valve, the originally added lubricating grease will continue to be lost, and coupled with the effects of temperature, corrosion and other factors, the lubricating oil will continue to dry up. Therefore, the transmission part of the valve should be checked frequently, and if there is a lack of oil, it should be replenished in time to prevent increased wear due to lack of lubricant, resulting in inflexible transmission or stuck failure.

Valves in use:

1. The valve stem thread often rubs against the valve stem nut, so apply a little butter or graphite powder for lubrication.

2. For valves that are not frequently opened and closed, the handwheel should be turned regularly and lubricant should be added to the valve stem thread to prevent seizure.

3. For outdoor valves, a protective cover should be added to the valve stem to prevent rain, snow, dust, and rust.

4. If the valve is mechanically driven, add lubricating oil to the gearbox on time and keep the valve clean.

5. Do not rely on the valve to support other heavy objects, and do not stand on the valve.

butterfly valve

6. The valve stem, especially the threaded part, should be cleaned frequently and new lubricant should be added to prevent hard debris in the dust from wearing the thread and valve stem surface and affecting the service life.

Valves that have been left unused for a long time:

1. Valves that are not in use should be kept properly and should not be piled randomly. Small valves should be placed on the shelves, while large valves can be arranged neatly on the floor of the warehouse. Do not let the flange connection surface touch the ground to protect the valves from being damaged.

2. For valves that will not be used in the short term, the asbestos filler should be removed to avoid electrochemical corrosion and damage to the valve stem.

3. The valves that have just been put into storage must be inspected. If rain or dirt has entered during transportation, they must be wiped clean before storage.

4. The inlet and outlet of the valve should be sealed with wax paper or plastic sheet to prevent dirt from entering.

5. Apply anti-rust oil to the processing surfaces of valves that can rust in the atmosphere to protect them.

6. Valves placed outdoors must be covered with rainproof and dustproof materials such as linoleum or tarpaulin. The warehouse where valves are stored must be kept clean and dry.

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